1979 Township Drive
Marlboro, NJ 07746
732-536-0100 • Directions
Dial 9-1-1 for Emergencies
Disaster: Are You Prepared?
Click Here for your Hurricane Survival Guide
Disaster can strike at any moment. Disasters can come in many different forms like heavy flooding due to excessive rains, hurricanes, earthquakes, tornados, blizzards and acts of terrorism. Everyone should be prepared for the worst and hope for the best during any kind of Local or National Disaster.
We encourage all citizens to try and prepare themselves well in advance for any impending disasters and not wait until the last moment. Such simple things as keeping an up to date and adequate supply of flashlights with batteries, bottled water and dry/canned foods in the household can help during disaster time.
The Marlboro Police Department asks all residents to monitor the Statewide Emergency Alert system for any updates or broadcastings that the Office of Emergency Management or Governor’s Office may issue.
We ask that residents do not call the Marlboro Police Department to ask when their power is going to be restored, but rather call their local power company to notify them of the outages. During disaster time, police communications centers get overwhelmed with phone calls that report true emergencies, road blockages and important information. Calling the police to find out “When is my power going to be back on?” is not an appropriate issue to tie up communications operators and phones lines, as the Police Department is not given a time frame from the power companies on power restoration.
If anyone has any questions about Emergency Preparedness they can they can contact the Marlboro Police Department.
For information on Disaster Preparedness please see the FEMA website at http://www.fema.gov/
For power outages please call Jersey Central Power and Light –24-hour Outage Reporting Line, 1-888-LIGHTSS 1-888-544-4877